Stephens Scown are expert solicitors with extensive experience in dealing with international divorce matters and cases involving children, and in helping families with international connections on relationship breakdown.
If your relationship is at an end and you, your partner or your children have multiple nationalities, split your time living or working abroad, hold assets across multiple jurisdictions or are thinking of an international move, we can advise you on your next steps.
It is essential to take advice as soon as possible to consider relevant protective measures and the appropriate place and method to deal with any dispute. We work with high net worth families on a regular basis and have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your aims.
International Divorce Solicitors
The rules in relation to divorce vary considerably between countries. Where proceedings are started can have a significant impact on the outcome of your matter. It is therefore important to take advice as soon as possible to understand your options.
As international family law specialists, we can advise on a wide range of issues, including:
Choosing the best or most appropriate place to get divorced, thinking about where it is possible to divorce, the outcome of any financial claim, potential issues with recognition and enforcement, as well as timings and other practical considerations;
Financial claims in respect of assets held overseas, including property, pensions, trusts, and business assets;
Financial claims following divorce overseas;
Claims against foreign pensions;
Financial support for children;
International freezing injunctions;
International prenuptial or postnuptial agreements;
Recognition of overseas marriages; and
Enforcement of foreign orders.
International Children Solicitors
As children law experts experienced in working with families across the globe, we can assist with a wide range of international children law issues, including:
Living and contact arrangements for children (also referred to as child arrangements, or historically custody);
Based on your particular circumstances, the appropriate country in which to bring proceedings;
International relocation if you or your partner wish to move abroad with a child (also known as leave to remove);
Child abduction if you or your partner has taken children overseas without permission;
International adoption; and
Assisted conception.
Resolving your international family law dispute
We can provide you with holistic advice, working with lawyers and appropriate experts around the globe. Urgent steps can be taken where necessary, or if more appropriate we will make use of international mediation or arbitration schemes to resolve matters in the most effective way depending on your circumstances.
We listen to your concerns and help you to achieve your desired outcomes in the best possible way. Contact our expert team of international family law solicitors via email at, telephone on 0345 450 5558 or by filling in the form on this page.
We will contact you as soon as possible to see how we can help. We are recommended for our fast response times and our personal and professional approach.
How international family law is different
Cases with an international element are often complex and there are additional factors to consider when dealing with these specialist matters. For example:
International family law is technically complex: the team at Stephens Scown are experienced in this area and can offer you specialist advice based on practical experience;
International family law can be time sensitive: it may be necessary to take urgent steps to protect your position; taking early legal advice can make all the difference: the team at Stephens Scown will speak to you as a matter of urgency and decide with you what steps should be taken, for example, in issuing proceedings, taking foreign advice or securing children’s passports for safekeeping to prevent abduction;
There are additional considerations in international family law cases, such as immigration issues, jurisdiction disputes, queries over whether a marriage or divorce is valid and often the need to liaise with expert lawyers and professionals in other countries to decide what action would be in your best interests: the team at Stephens Scown have the expertise and experience to pick up on these crucial points and to guide you expertly as to next steps. We also have a trusted network of international family lawyers where additional input is required.
Frequently asked questions:
Can you help me in relation to both financial and children law issues?
Our expert team of international family law solicitors can advise you in relation to divorce and finances, as well as children law issues. The two are often interconnected and our team are excellent at understanding your needs as well as the needs and welfare of your children.
Can we make use of mediation or other non-court dispute resolution options if my case has international considerations?
Yes, it is possible to negotiate your international family law issues using a neutral third-party mediator alongside advice from lawyers in any relevant jurisdictions. There can be significant benefits to looking at issues in the round. International family arbitration schemes also exist and can be useful tools in resolving matters quickly and efficiently.
Which countries do you cover?
We can advise you wherever you, your family, or your assets are located. We have acted for clients throughout the UK and all around the world, including in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, China, Brazil, Africa, the Middle East and many countries across Europe.
Can you advise on immigration law issues?
We have an expert immigration law team at Stephens Scown who can advise you on any immigration law issues, including any potential impact of divorce or separation on your status in England and Wales.