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Prenuptial Agreements

Even as they look forward to getting married, more and more couples are taking steps including prenuptial agreements to ensure they avoid the financial implications of potential future fallout.

Making sensible arrangements now means both can feel confident about their financial wellbeing, should their relationship dynamic ever change. But it can be a sensitive subject to approach and deal with – so what’s the best way for you and your future spouse to achieve your aims?

Secure friendly expert advice on the prenuptial agreement that’s right for you

To make sense of your financial future, simply get in touch with us to arrange an initial call with a specialist lawyer. We’re proven leaders in the field of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and our team is extremely knowledgeable and highly approachable.

A prenuptial agreement is a formal document you prepare as a couple before you marry, recording what you each bring into the marriage and setting out what you should each receive if the relationship breaks down. A postnuptial agreement covers the same range of matters, but is made after you’re married.

We provide tailor-made advice and guidance for both, including for high net worth clients, and we’ll explain everything you need to know in simple, straightforward language.

Proven expertise in identifying what’s best for you, and securing it

Chambers and The Legal 500, the two leading independent legal guides, rank our Family Law team as the best in the region. We’ll apply our experience and insight to help you agree on what’s best for you, and then make sure you achieve it.

Legal 500 (2024): “Approachable team that is strong for vulnerable clients. The private and public law teams have depth of experience.” “Very experienced, committed and professional.” 

Chambers and Partners (2024) – Strengths: Sources report: “They are exceptional. Stephens Scown has talent at all levels. The partners, trainees and newly qualified lawyers are all impressive. They provide a Rolls-Royce service.”

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