Somerset renewable energy scheme open for investment article banner image

An exciting new renewable energy project in Somerset is open for investors. The community scheme will see solar panels erected across three sets of buildings and a ground mount site in the county.

Run by Somerset Renewable Energy Community (SREC) Limited, the project will offer members the chance to make a return on their investment and help the local community address the challenges of increasing energy costs, fuel poverty and reliance on fossil fuels.

SREC is a community benefit company looking to raise £2.2 million to fund the project. Legal advice on the project is being provided by local law firm Stephens Scown.

Sonya Bedford, one of SREC’s directors and a partner at Stephens Scown, said: “With increasing support for Community Energy from DECC and the importance of engaging groups of people to support renewables, we wanted to follow in the footsteps of other local community energy groups and offer a similar opportunity in Somerset. The community benefit fund raised from this project is likely to make a real difference to communities in Somerset – particularly farming communities, which are at the heart of the founding directors of SREC.”

Matthew Tufton, chairman of SREC, said: “By bringing like-minded individuals together, we can create and run a renewable energy project in Somerset with wide-ranging benefits. The project will reduce energy costs to the host buildings, produce green energy, strengthen the local economy, build a sense of community and reduce carbon emissions. We invite all interested parties to come on board.”

Further information is available at