South Devon domestic violence initiative article banner image

Devon and Cornwall Police together with Devon and Somerset Fire Rescue Service have launched a new pilot project with the aim of protecting victims of domestic abuse across South Devon.

The proposals behind the project aim to reduce harm and enable the most vulnerable  to feel safe in their home. Agencies can work together collaboratively to provide a personalised service to victims.

The proposal is for home safety visits in high risk cases which will look at comprehensive security reviews together with identifying and reducing repeated victimisation. Victims will be provided with advice and support together with prevention tools and Devon and Cornwall Police have invested £2,000 in the pilot to enable the purchase of specialist equipment.

Any support from such agencies is to be welcomed particularly in cases where the aim for the victim is often to return to their home and to have the perpetrator excluded. It has to be the right outcome if the victim and their children to remain in their home in safety without fear and persecution. Alongside this innovation we would recommend that a victim seek legal advice in relation to an application for Occupation Orders and Non Molestation Orders to assist them in remaining in their home and links to this article have been attached to our website explaining these terms and how they can be applied for.

Our family solicitors are experienced in helping the victims of abuse to obtain the full protection that the law has to offer, as well as advising them about other support services that are available to help them come to terms with their experiences.

Mark Smith is a member of Resolution and is an accredited specialist family lawyer in private law children issues and domestic abuse. Mark can be contacted on 01392 210700 or email