The Child Support Agency releases a quarterly summary. The most recent release shows that in the quarter to June 2014 the caseload for the 1993/2003 Scheme has decreased by 1%. Whilst this may seem to be a sign of improving performance, the reality is that those “schemes” are now closed and the caseloads will reduce as no new intake is received.
From November 2013 all new applications must be made under the 2012 scheme.
When looking more closely at the figures, it shows that in only 64.5% of cases payments are made at a full liability (defined as 90% or more). This is hardly the sign of an improvement.
Since its inception there have been problems with the CSA and no matter how successive governments have tried to re-brand it, its success rate (both the CSA and its successors) remains very limited.
Mark Smith is a partner and specialist in family law and children matters at Stephens Scown LLP in Exeter. Stephens Scown’s family team was recently named Private Client and Family Law Team of the Year by the British Legal Awards. Two independent guides to the legal profession – Chambers and Legal 500 – recognise the family law team’s expertise as among the best in the region. To contact Mark, please call 01392 210700 email solicitors@stephens-scown.co.uk or visit www.stephens-scown.co.uk.