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Employee Owners Knowledge Sharing
Photograph of the Stephens Scown Employee Trustees laughing

Join us for our informal knowledge share if you are an employee trustee, on an employee council, an employee owner, or from an employee-owned business with a vested interest, question to ask, or best practice to share.

It’s clear from our attendance at the 2023 Employee Ownership Conference that every employee-owned business has their own unique story and way of embedding
employee ownership in their organisation.

Frequently though, a number of employee-owners have a siloed experience where the stories, opportunities, successes, and challenges experienced by other employee-owned businesses just aren’t known.

The opportunity the conference facilitated to break down those walls was enormous, and the knowledge sharing was invaluable.

We’re keen to maintain that energy, continue the knowledge sharing and grow our friendships with likeminded employee-owners.

Employee ownership has been shown to produce more productive and resilient businesses which benefit our economy. So, we should all be helping each other to further evolve our own unique versions of EO.

Please RSVP to: Sam Moles at