The topics to be discussed include;
- Calculating holiday pay: should you include overtime and commission?
- Zero Hours contracts: what is now allowed?
- Can obesity be a disability: what the European Courts think.
- What action you can take if an employee leaves without giving due notice?
- Tribunal fees: UNISON fights on.
- Safeguarding disclosures: what are your obligations?
- Recent case law on Employer Liability.
Our specialist Immigration Team will also update you on recent changes in immigration rules relevant to all employers.
RSVP: Please note numbers are limited, to avoid disappointment we suggest you reserve your place as quickly as possible by emailing devonevents@stephens-scown.co.uk or phoning Jo Force on 01392 210700
The cost of attending is £25 plus VAT per person which includes breakfast and refreshments.
Stephens Scown LLP is committed to creating an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. If you need something that will help you participate fully in this event please contact us on the above email and telephone number.
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