Concept for - Meet the Team - Harriet Wigmore

In this series, we introduce some of the people that make up Stephens Scown. We learn about their expertise, what drew them to join the legal profession and find out a little bit about who they are outside of work.

Here we introduce Harriet Wigmore, a solicitor in our Family team.

Can you share with us a little bit about your role and a typical day?

As an associate solicitor in the Family team, my day is spent helping married clients divide their finances after they separate from their spouse. This can mean helping them complete financial disclosure, looking at ways in which assets can be fairly divided between a client and their spouse, or drafting documents to implement an agreement once it’s been reached. When negotiations fall apart, there will also be days at Court.

Why did you specialise in family law?

It’s a really personal area of law – clients, understandably, make decisions for emotional reasons, rather than just legal or financial reasons, and so it’s essential that you understand your client’s hopes, fears and everything in between when advising them.

What do you love most about your role?

People often wonder how we can love working in the Family team, but the relationships you build up with your clients over months, and sometimes years, of working together are the best part of the job. Clients often come to us in a vulnerable state, often with no idea what the future looks like in terms of a home, and work, and time with the children. Helping clients through that, to a point that they have found a new property to purchase, for example, or have signed up for a course in order to change career, or have even met a new partner, is the most rewarding feeling. We love getting updates from clients, years down the line!

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I spend as much of my time as possible outside. I have an allotment, where I grow flowers and vegetables, and I love spending time with my family, including my little boy, exploring Dartmoor and walking stretches of the South West coast path. I also play netball, and am slowly returning to running.

If you weren’t a lawyer, what you be and why?

I would definitely be doing something outside – the hardest part of being a lawyer is spending hours at my desk!

What does it mean to work for Stephens Scown, what makes us different?

I have been at the firm for nearly 9 years, and the firm really invests in its people – both for their benefit, and the benefit of clients. Employees are generally very loyal to the firm, often working here for decades, which is fairly unusual for the legal industry, and it means you build really excellent friendships with those in your team and across the firm. There is a real focus on community, environment and fun.