A brave group from leading South West law firm Stephens Scown pushed themselves over the edge today in a Halloween-themed abseil raising funds for Age UK Exeter.

Six lawyers from the firm’s Young Marketing Group (YMG) took part in the hair-raising 80ft abseil off the edge of Princesshay’s NCP car park, raising over £750 in the process.

In costumes ranging from witches to Harry Potter and Batwoman, the terrifying lawyers were part of more than 50 participants from businesses around the city.

Age UK Exeter works to support elderly people across the city and is the charity of the year for Stephens Scown’s Exeter office.

The YMG Team from Stephens Scown said: “We’ve never seen so many witches, wizards and monsters marauding in daylight hours before!  We hope we didn’t give the public too much of a shock.  It was quite scary going over the top but felt great on the way down.  On a serious note, we’re delighted that we’ve been able to help raise much-needed funds for such an important cause.”