Following a staff vote, Age UK Exeter has been chosen as one of Stephens Scown’s charities of the year for 2015/2016.
This is the first time the firm has chosen the main charities it will support in this way and the response from staff was very positive, with almost everyone casting a vote. Age UK Exeter secured over half of the votes of our Exeter-based staff and was the overwhelming choice to be the charity of the year for our Exeter office.
Staff will take part in fundraising and events throughout the year to support Age UK Exeter.
Robert Camp, Stephens Scown’s managing partner commented: “We have a long association with Age UK Exeter, with one of our former partners sitting on the charity’s board for many years. More recently, through our association with Age UK nationally, Age UK Exeter has been making use of the support offered by our HRExpress service.
“Our charities of the year were decided entirely by staff votes, and it is really encouraging to see that our staff recognised the vital role that Age UK Exeter plays in our local community. Our staff are now busy making plans for ways to raise funds and support Age UK Exeter this year and I look forward to taking part in some of the fundraising efforts myself.”
Martyn Rogers, Director of Age UK Exeter, said: “This brilliant news. We are thrilled that Stephens Scown’s staff have chosen to support our work in the city. We know the firm well and recently signed up to use their HRExpress service which we have found to be excellent. The support of Stephens and Scown and others like them means we can continue to combat the loneliness and isolation experienced by so many and help improve the quality of life of older people in the city.”