Focus on farming at open discussion event article banner image

Minette Batters, the Vice President of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is set to address attendees at an upcoming free event organised by local professional services firms.

PKF Francis Clark, Savills and Stephens Scown are joining forces to host what is hoped to be a lively Q&A session which will cover some of the most pressing issues in farming today; from the prospect of Brexit and pressures facing the dairy sector to competitiveness in the industry and the power of the supermarkets.

The event takes place on Wednesday 11 May at Lifton Farm Shop, Lifton, Devon. If you would like to attend, please contact or call 01392 210700.

Gareth Rowe from Savills said: “We are delighted that someone of Minette Batters’ standing will be coming to address our event. There are so many big issues currently facing farmers and landowners and it will be a welcome opportunity for members of the agricultural community from across the spectrum to listen to and debate some of the key questions.”

Brian Harvey from PKF Francis Clark said: “I am really looking forward to what is bound to be an evening of wide-ranging discussion. Similar events we have held in the past have always been warmly debated and I’m sure this will be no exception!”

Phil Reed, head of rural at Stephens Scown added: “This is a great opportunity to come along and hear some of the views of the ‘voice of British farming’, the NFU, at first hand. I am sure it will be hugely worthwhile for everyone involved.”