It is hard to imagine a better location for a yacht club. The entrance to Mylor Creek, off Carrick Roads, is one of the most beautiful parts of Cornwall. The stunning location gives members of Mylor Yacht Club access to some of the best sailing in the UK.
The club has been a client of Stephens Scown for several years – in fact we held our marine team launch there back in 2015. We caught up with Rear-Commodore Chris Horn to hear what makes this club special.
What attracts your members to the club?
We now have around 800 members and first and foremost our members choose us for the sailing – our location is fantastic and we cater for sailors and motor boat enthusiasts. Our facilities are great, with our club house overlooking the bay. The club house opened seven years ago and the feedback from members is that they love it.
We are also known as a really friendly club, with loads going on throughout the year. In the summer we have racing and cruising and over the winter we have technical workshops and talks every week.
We have a really successful group for our female sailors – Ladies Who Launch. They have loads of great activities from a weekly bridge game and arts and crafts activities to walking and surfing. Recently they had a great trip to Go Ape to try out the aerial rope activities!
On the social side, there is so much going on. We even have a club band made up of some of our musical members!
How do you run the club?
We are a committee of enthusiastic volunteers, with three flag officers and a wider committee and sub committees organising everything that goes on here.
A great development for us was when we took on our club manager. They work full time throughout the year – something which our members really appreciate. Around two thirds of our membership are from outside Cornwall so it is important that the club is open and things going on whenever they visit.
We also have two part time bar staff, with a third starting soon.
What is the best boat you have ever sailed?
Like many others my wife and I started out as dinghy sailors and finally sold our dinghy last year. But the best boat I’ve ever sailed was 37ft for a race during Falmouth Week. I think like most sailors I think bigger is better and I would always want a bigger boat!
What is your favourite water based journey?
I’ve sailed the Channel a few times. It can be really boring or really terrifying and I’ve experienced both! Cruising around the Greek Islands is wonderful – but we are so fortunate to have some of the best sailing right here on our doorstep in Cornwall.
You have Stephens Scown’s HRExpress service to support you with employment law advice. How do you find that service?
The club is run by volunteers, so we are all very conscious how vulnerable we could be on legal issues without Stephens Scown’s support. Knowing we have experts on hand at the end of the phone if we need them is so reassuring. We are taking on a new member of staff, so it is great to know we have the right contracts and policies in place.
What are your plans for 2018?
We will have a full racing and cruising programme and loads of social events going on. Our summer programme will be launched at the end of March.
We host one of the days of Falmouth Week, which we always look forward to. We also enjoy hosting several regattas throughout the season.
One highlight of the year is our Push the Boat Out open day on Sunday 20th May when we welcome anyone interested to the club and offer them the opportunity to get out on the water and try sailing. We are excited for the year ahead!
For more information on Mylor Yacht Club go to www.myloryachtclub.org.uk or call 01326 374391.