2017 will soon be here.  It can be a good time for charities to take stock and review key questions:-

1. Should we register with the Fundraising Regulator?

  • Essential if you are engaged in significant fundraising activities.
  • Also worth considering for small charities;

2. Are our donor records up-to-date and are we ensuring we obtain our donor’s consent on how and when to contact them?

  • This must be in place before the new Data Protection Rules apply from May 2018

3. Have our volunteers, staff and trustees considered and been trained on the increasing threat from cybercrime?

See the above link to the charity commission tackling fraud pages.

4. Have we reviewed our activities and achievements against the charity’s objectives and any limitations set out in the governing document lately?

  • If the charity is looking to go beyond those legal parameters then the charity will need the Charity Commission’s prior consent to do so.
  • NB – grant funding can also set limitations which need to be adhered to.

5. Is there an up-to-date conflict of interest policy and are we embedding consideration of these issues in our decision-making, recruitment and other key processes?


If you need advice reviewing the issues raised in this article or any other issue get in touch either by telephone 01726 74433 or email enquiries@stephens-scown.co.uk