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Employee Owners Knowledge Sharing – Back to School!
Apple on a stack of books suggesting return to school

Employee ownership is different at every business. In each of our journeys to figure out what it means for our business and our employees we try, we fail or succeed, we tweak, and we learn.

Some of what we learn can be revolutionary and some of it can be minor. The more we learn though the better we can make employee ownership for our businesses and our people.

Often, we can learn from the experiences of others. And we can share what we know with them too. So, the next knowledge share is going to be focused on sharing what you have learnt – what are the one or two things you’ve learnt that have made a difference?

We will facilitate knowledge sharing through an introductory group scene-setter and then smaller breakout rooms. Please come prepared to share your learnings.

Join us for our informal knowledge share if you are an employee trustee, on an employee council, an employee owner, or from an employee-owned business with a vested interest, question to ask, or best practice to share.

Please RSVP to: Sam Moles at