The House of Commons has released a paper for separated families impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic, with guidance for arrangements for children.
Further to our recent article on the arrangements for children of separated families in the third national lockdown, the House of Commons has released a paper responding to a number of key questions posed in the current circumstances. It deals with the impact of the pandemic on separated families, maintenances arrangements and the arrangements for children to spend time with their families.
What does the Coronavirus paper for children cover?
The paper rehearses the guidance issued back in March 2020. It is clear in that it must not be used to address an individual or families individual specific circumstances, emphasising also that local restrictions should be consulted. There is helpful commentary, however, with respect to children moving between the homes of separated parents and rules regarding when children are required to self-isolate.
It gives guidance as to how parents should comply with Court orders for contact and the impact of child maintenance payments. There is helpful guidance with respect to visiting children in care and alternatives to contact arrangements where child contact centres might be closed.
Reading the full paper is certainly worthwhile if you are in any way experiencing the above issues or have questions regarding these circumstances. It is always sensible to keep up to date with these issues, which are fast moving, and careful consideration should be given to any further and updating advice that might be produced as the pandemic evolves.
For some ideas on how to stay connected with children remotely, please see this article.